Isla Romantica


Isla Romantica, that's how they name this islet. But this  is really unique and at the same time, mysterious. Many said that the name of the island was given to describe how romantic it is especially during sunset. But one thing reveals into my naive mind is that it was named, not literally, by the owner itself. Wonder why I said owner? Well, let's don't make it a wait.

This island was made by Mr. Benjamin or Noy Ben. Yes you're right! this amazing islet's man-made. It was stated that he build this for 5 years and this was actually a coral island at first. Imagine a single individual - old man improved one nature's gift. That's made him an artist himself! Maybe Noy Ben was a romantic man and that was kind enough to create such creative idea. Romanticized by his thoughts and such artwork made. Whatever the origin of the island's name, yet it is observable that it is indeed romantic.

(c) Miko Tolosa

You will never doubt going such gigantic trip especially in this islet, despite its simplicity, it showcases refreshing surrounding, crystal clear water, many visible sea creatures and many wonders. Suits for lovers and family gatherings.  You can stay under the shades of the tree, make some picnic set and shoot- Romantic isn't it? 

The island is located at Alegria, Cordova but before you can get into the island, you must first take a good ride with a  banca. P10.00 per head for adults and P5.00 for kids. Usually, Noy Ben will be your guide for his own island. And better tell him to comeback at your preferred time of setting off. For additional romantic points, better bring your own packs and goods,portable chairs, tents, blankets and other necessities.. Because the islet doesn't have electricity, CR and sufficient tables. But there are tables and a kubo for rent. I'm still not sure if he allows renting overnight.


Dinagat Festival

 Cordova celebrates their fiesta every August. Every celebration helds a festivity called Dinagat festival. The festivity, which is a dance-drama depicting the fishing culture of the Cordovanhons is the main highlight of the Annual Fiesta of the Municipality of Cordova in honor of the Miraculous Patron Saint, Sr. San Roque.

Celebrated every August of each year, might be 2nd week of the month, the Festival starts with a grand parade and culminates at the Cordova Sports and Cultural Center,beside Cordova's San Roques Parish, for a dance showdown. Cordova Dinagat
Festival started to amuse the local and foreign spectators since 1999.


On August 2009, the Festival observed its
10th year (Paper) Anniversary.

Every contingent depicts any oceanic creatures symbolizing the target of fishing and thus other members play the role as fishermen or farmers.
Dancing is their way of thanking and praising God for the good harvest.

Like Sinulog in Cebu,
they also have festival queens but what is different is that the queen don't hold any image representing the patron.
She only dance as a form of representing as one of the God-given beauty.

Performers may vary. Group of students from any schools inside Cordova and out or random-formed groups, whether youth or adults. Tickets of the Center is affordable. For documents and remembrance,
you may bring your own video cams, digital cameras or perhaps cellphones. And for sure you will enjoy and dance like one of the creatures the dancers portray.


After celebrating our New Year Party, that morning we decided to go swimming. And we have second thoughts of where we'll be going. And I suggested Parola, for I never been in this place. I just heard this place from my classmates and my fellow Cordovanhons. And as we arrived at the place, all I can say is "they don't lie" and I overwhelmed and said to myself  "I'm not wrong choosing Cordova, my own town, to be my subject.

It has a crystal clear water rich of sea creatures. The place is so refreshing though this place is not
officially announced as a beach yet, because they still need to preserve things with much time and rebuild ruined infrastructures. It has a tower-like structure where they get the name of the place, Parola.It is next to the Ro-ro port in Cordova, connecting Cordova and bohol; vice-versa. It has rocks where you can put your feet with the water climbing up to it. You can found a lot of sea creatures like small fishes, starfishes and any other sea foods.


Beside this tower-like structure is a "seem-to-be-ruined unfinished building. I still don't know what this building is or for what this building for. But I guess it'll make one of the spots in this said area. You don't need to worry about the entrance fee for this is more than affordable, it's free. Just bring your own pack and stuffs for your convenience while enjoying the place and enjoyable succeed refreshing water.